2nd Sunday on King Street

For fans of Charleston culture

Singlehanded: operating life at less than 100%

Opinion, Single HandedSusan Lucas

My career as a graphic designer, writer, photographer and marketing professional have all been made possible by creativity, drive to learn, and ability to type 100 words per minute.

In 2018 an accident caused me to rethink the way I work.

A trip and fall accident in Bratislava, Slovakia resulted in a broken humerus (in the worst way possible) irreparable damage to the nerve that supports tendons in my wrist and hand, and long term complications all around. Three ambulances, surgery and ten days at the Medical University of Vienna. Three surgeries at the Medical University of South Carolina.

Needless to say (Self editor: I know, so don’t say it) I no longer type 100 words a minute.

Bratislava, Slovakia, the last image before my fall

The last image before my fall.